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Discipling the Laity for Disciple Making (10)
Paul Jang  2008-03-24 03:33:04, hit : 3,916

Discipling the Laity for Disciple Making (10)

Text cannot have an absolute influence on the disciple making process even though it is important. Of course, the more it is good, the more it is effective on the program. Jesus and His disciples also had no their text book. More important are the way and skill of teaching. The text, especially must contain the contents of the Gospel of which its protagonist is Jesus Christ. In Jesus' method, its contents did contain the words of God, Himself, and the experiences of His disciples (Ok 1984, 173).

Teaching must deliver not only the knowledge on Jesus Christ but also His personality and life. And it must be on the revelation of God. In this sense, a study of the life of Jesus, therefore, indicates there are three ways to teach: information, formation, and revelation (Ortiz 1975, 68). In conclusion, the teaching must be on the education of one's whole personality: one's thought, one's words, and one's deeds. To focus on Jesus is not a mere act of piety, but takes seriously the example Christ set for believers (Buzzard and Eck 1983, 52).

Who should teach them? Of course, the pastors at first should teach them. The Bible says "you are to teach them" (Matt 28:20). The "you" in this verse must be the apostles for the pastors of today, and then his disciples who were taught by them can teach other people. "Unless we do more than teach our people, will never really fulfill the Great Commission. We must make disciples out of them," said Robert E. Maner (Maner 1982, 65).

Where should we teach? There is no limit to the places for teaching. There can be church facilities, business offices, house rooms and so on. It is good for the place to creat great atmosphere for teaching. Of course, the things such as distance from the members, a convenient time, and inclination of the members may be considered. More over, the world (field) may be their classroom like the ancient pattern of teaching (Hian 1987, 48).

How then should we teach? First of all, teaching must take place according to the help of Holy Spirit. Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is, therefore, crucial in Christian teaching (Education Board of Discipleship the United Methodist Church 1979, 71). The Bible says, " But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" (John 14:26), and "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13).

Human wisdom and efforts must be requested notwithstanding for teaching. God already gave some necessary gifts and talents to the people, especially His children (Matt. 25:14-30). C. Peter Wagner says:

The gifts of teaching is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to communicate information relevant to the health and ministry of the Body and its members in such a way that others will learn. (Wagner 1979, 127)

Therefore the people have to do their best for the glory of God. They have to teach all that Jesus commanded using their talents, wisdom, knowledge, and ability under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Next, the Bible study is the best way of church growth because church growth must be biblical, based on principles from God's Word (Hunter 1985, 108). How then should we lead the Bible study for making disciples? This is vitally important for making disciples because it is not a simple study of the biblical knowledge, but of the personality and work of Jesus Christ.



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