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Existence of God (The First Problem: The Existence of God)
Paul Jang  2008-03-04 15:28:18, hit : 2,853

The First Problem: God's Existence

Paul Tillich says that the question "Does God exist?" has the background of the entire history of the philosophy which is going to understand what is existence. The biggest question of human life is just "Does God exist?" In order to deal with this problem it is necessary to study ample analysis of the history of philosophy, philosophical understanding, and a deep thought concerning being and nonbeing.

He says that any theologian can never get out of this question and its necessity. According to Paul Tillich, anyone who was a theologian, cannot answer 'God is a being' to this question. If God was a being, he says, we cannot think of the other being to make it be. In other words, the other being is not the being itself, the biblical God, namely "I AM WHO I AM" (Ex. 3:14) but a "Ground of Being" that lets the being to be a Being in itself.

He says that God cannot be the Being itself which has the concept of relative word because He is an absolute One. Because the Being must be objected to the concept of non-Being, it is incompatible with God who lets the Being to be. God is therefore the Ground of Being who transcends the relative being, who lets the being to be.

This theory is nothing but a Pantheistic reflection, as it were, something that God is not the ontological Entity but let the being to be. This is his concept of God. If we follow this theory, God will be a "Force of the being" as God is a "Blind Force" in the fatalism. He asserts that such a cause makes the being to be, therefore the being cannot be God because it has the relative concept itself.

If so, he says, it must be contradictory to the unrestricted nature of God. Because of that, theology always needs the theory of being, and the theory of being always includes non-being (Tillich, 1967, 186).



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